Today I visited a Catholic
Infant School in
Wellingborough who offered me a book signing at the end of the day.
lucky if that happens and the school is prepared to go to the bother of
notifying parents that there will be an author in school doing a signing, by sending out a note or a text on the day. I'm luckier still if
it’s an Independent school that simply puts any book purchases on the pupils’ end-of-term
Too often, when authors and illustrators ask for a book
signing, they are told the school is concerned about burdening hard-up parents
with yet another request for money, or there is already a Book Fair
in school.
But if, as today, the emphasis is on the visiting author/
illustrator and her books then a good situation arises;
children, inspired by a book they’ve been shown in a workshop and who have acted
out part of its story with puppets or seen original artwork and sketches
belonging to it, are able to take a signed copy home with them to pour over
and share with their parents. And the best moment of all is the purchase of a book by a parent who
doesn’t normally buy books. Then I see a child walk away with a book that I know will be treasured.